Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Time!!

WOOHOO!!  Christmas time ROCKS!  Without sounding like a Grammy acceptance speech, I'd just like to say thank you so much to all my loved-ones, family and friends, that made Christmas so special this year.  It was an awesome few days, and I hope everyone had as nice a time as we all did.  One little point I want to make that I found really pretty heart-warming is that Kipperfrog and I went to midnight Mass this year on Christmas eve, in really quite a big Church, and it was wonderful to see the sheer number of people that turned out that are still thinking about the real reason why we celebrate Christmas in the way we do, and trying to live better lives and be good people.  This had to be the same pretty much country-wide, and it makes me glad!  Nuff said. :)

New Year next!  2010, here we come!  HooRAH!!!

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